Robert R. Augg

Profile Updated: June 16, 2008
Residing In: Chillicothe, OH
Spouse/Partner: Diane
Occupation: Regional Sales Manager
Children: Lily Rose, our May flower 2006
Yes! Attending Reunion

I moved to Detroit after 4 years in the Navy and played for a few years prior too growing up a little. I moved back to Chillicothe a couple of years back, my wife fell in love with the area and we didnt really want to procreate near the city. Im still gainfully employed by a company in MI, not one of the Big 3, thank god. The wife is a Wolverine but could care less about football so we love her anyway. My little baby girl will be two by the time the reunion rolls around and has payback written all over her face. I really look forward to seeing everyone.

School Story:

My poor mom working 3-11 shifts at the factory to put food on the table. While a caravan of cars poured out of the student parking lot at 3:01 everyday to smoke grass and drink beers at her house. One regret would be playing the insecure, ass hole jock role a little too well& You think about these things when your stuck on a ship 1000 miles away from land&
