Profile Updated: December 29, 2008
Where are you living now? Sudbury, ON Canada
Marital status married
Any kids? William 1999
Taylor 2003
Cadence 2005
Yes! Attending Reunion

well I'm currently working as a receiver\warehouse guy.
Not the best job in the world,but it pays the bills.
Asides from that,since I graduated....I moved around Montreal like 4-5 times,before finally moving here to Sudbury.I got married in 2000, have 2 daughters,and 1 son(who unfortunately passed away)
We all live in a nice big house,right in the city(near's about all I can think of that'd be interesting.Leave a message if you wanna know more.

Best memory from High school?

Well the" walk out" was something not to forget.
Hanging out with my friends was a nice memory too.
Yeah had some pretty interesting times at C.P.H.S.
But all in all,was really glad to graduate,and get outta
I'm glad that something is being organized,to possibly get everyone back to see one another.I can't promise to be there,but I will try my best to fit into my plans for whenever it does come around.
Don't be shy send messages,ask questions.
I always answer back,and would be pleased to hear from anyone.