In Memory

Kenneth Cameron Altizer, Lll

Kenneth Cameron Altizer, Lll

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10/20/08 09:40 PM #1    

Angela Justis (Hubbard)

I often think about Cameron and wonder how his family is doing. Sadly, I can vividly remember all of the announcements in sixth grade following his accident. I think it has to be my first life experience with death. He was a sweet kid and I remember him fondly.

I look forward to a blessed reunion with him in heaven.

Angela Justis Hubbard

11/25/08 12:37 PM #2    

Sheryl Shaver (Bradley)

Angela is correct. Cameron passed the summer (just weeks or maybe even days) before we entered 6th grade. I remember hearing about his accident the day it happened and also experiencing loss of a friend for the first time. His passing carried with us into middle school...a very sad transition without him. Of course, we see from these memorial pages that Cameron's passing would be the first of many, unfortunately.

I always adored Cameron in elementary school. He was SO cute! His name stuck with me all these years and I now have a 12 year old of my own, also named Cameron. He entered 6th grade this year.

I'm sure Cameron keeps a close eye on all of us and that his spirit is bright in Heaven!

11/26/08 07:49 AM #3    

Sheryl Shaver (Bradley)

Summer of 1982...August, I believe (maybe late July)

02/03/09 09:45 PM #4    

Keith Curtis

Cameron died on Sunday, August 29, 1982, and I think we started 6th Grade the Friday before. The accident happened 16 days earlier on August 13. I was in 5th Grade with him in Mrs. Wood's class. He was such an encourageing person. When I would get discouraged about not being the athlete he was, he would tell me I was smart. God used him in his 11 years on Earth. When I read in Matthew 21:16 "Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings you have perfected praise", I think of Cameron.

07/06/09 12:55 PM #5    

Tina Grubb (Kierce)

Cameron was my friend for as long as I can remember, he gave me the nickname "teener weener." His passing changed my life forever. I'll never forget watching the ambulance take him away or the day he passed.

Tina Grubb Kierce

08/29/12 11:07 PM #6    

Keith Curtis

I can't believe Cameron died 30 years ago today.  I remember it like it was yesterday.

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