In Memory

Julia (Judy) Doughman (Curless)

Julia (Judy) Doughman (Curless)

Julia Ann "Judy" Doughman Curless, 67, died March 18, 2013 at the Hospice of Cincinnati.  Her family, to whom she had devoted her life, was by her side.  Judy was born September 20, 1945 in Jefferson, North Carolina.  Judy is survived by her loving husband, Richard Curless.  They were married in Cincinnati on June 17, 1967; both at the young age of 21.  They lived the next 45 years of thier lives together in complete devotion to one another.  Judy is pfreceded in death by her father, Harry Doughman Jr. and survived and remember by her mother, Mattie Mae Doughman; daughter and spouse, Sue and Kevin Salm; son and spouse, Geoff and Heather Curless; four grandchildren; sisters, Barb Lentz and Marie Doughman; brothers, Jerry, David, and Dale (Sam) Doughman; half-brother Larry Doughman and half-sister, Sandra Doughman Wilson; cousin Dean (Nyla) Surber, and many other relatives, too many to mention but all of whom were loved.  Judy worked wholeheartedly to care for those she loved most, especially her family and friends.  She did many years of volunteer work, was a leader in scout and church programs, enjoyed working with children, and was a fifth grade teacher at E.H. Greene Intermediate School in the Sycamore Community School District.  In addition to participating in projects to help others, she loved to travel, play golf, dance, and be involved with her children's activities.  Her home and flower garden were a special joy to her.  The visitation will be held at Thomas-Justin Memorial, 7500 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236 on Thursday, March 21, 2012, from 5 PM until 8 PM.  The Funeral Service will follow the next day at 4 PM Friday, March 22, 2013, at the Church of the Savior United Methodist Church, 8005 Pfeiffer Road, Cincinnati, OH.  Judy will be laid to final rest during a burial service that will be held at 10:00AM on Saturday morning, March 23, 2013, at Rest Haven  Memorial Park, 10209 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45241.  While Judy loved flowers, memorial contributions may also be made to the Foundatin for Women's Cancer ( 230 W. Monroe, Ste 2528, Chicago, IL 60606

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Rich, you and your family certainly have my deepest, most sincere sympathy.  Judy was always one of the sweetest people I have EVER known.  All throughout school Judy was everyone's friend.  My love and memories of Judy will always be special.  Look forward to seeing her again.       Phyllis Keith-Holland


I will always remember Judy fondly.  She was accepting of the new kid (me) when he struggled to fit in with the group, any group.  I will always remember her easy laugh, wit and ever present smile.

The most striking thing to me about Judy was how comfortable she was within her own skin, how genuine she was, and meeting her again after nearly forty-five years, I sensed that nothing had changed.  Judy was still very much Judy.  And for all those reasons and more that I am unaware of she remained well liked and even loved by so many.

To Rich, my high school friend, his son and daughter and Judy's sister, Barb, I want to epxress my deepest and sincerest sypathies.  Only the first part of Judy's journey has ended.  The path of loss will ebb in time and only the pleasant memories will remain.  You will all see her again and you will all rejoice.

As a post script, let me add this strange little verse that came to mind while thinking about Judy and all of our classmates.

The Story.....

The story has a beginning, middle and an ending.

We labor over every word,

and race past each page until a chapter has been read.

Page follow page in a rush and too soon the story has been told

Some are longer and some shorter,

and like men, some are greater and some lesser,

still, most stories are like yours and mine.  

Loren Schumacher


Judy was a "munchkin".  I liked her from the moment I met her early on, now nearly 60 years ago. Fortunately, I got to know her a little better more recently when we were planning our 45th reunion in 2008 and just thought so highly of her.  She had not changed a bit from our earlier years.  I felt her warmth.  The word 'sweet' is not descriptive enough.  Just a really special gal.

   Several months ago, I acquired and sent out a photo of my Sunday School class hoping someone would recognize others in the photo.  Lo and behold, Judy recognized herself in that photo and clearly remembered attending that church.

I last saw Judy at Beth Stengel's husband's birthday party earlier this year.  I didn't recognize her - it wasn't that she didn't look the same, she actually looked just the same.  I guess my mind just didn't expect to see her there as I was fully aware of her struggle.  Anyway, she still hadn't changed even after such a long and arduous journey.

Many of us don't realize just how much we mean to one another, from yesteryears or today.  But when one leaves us, it's just one more piece of our own lives chipped away.                              Bob Tharp


I am so sorry to hear of Judy's passing. The memory I have of Judy is her smile. I only knew her our Senior year, but being the new girl in school, a smile from a classmate could make it a really good day. And then at the last reunion, there she was greeting me with a smile after so many years. I know she will be so missed. Please know that she is in my thoughts and prayers.     Susan Holzheimer-Goromboly



