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Larry Waters

Larry Waters
Residing In: Seaman, OH

I have been married to the same woman, Marietta, for 45 years. We have three children, a daughter and 2 sons. Our daughter passed away in 2003. Our sons are 38 and 44. We have eight grandkids and 3 great-grandchildren. My wife and I are raising one of our granddaughters as well as one of our great-grandchildren.

I came to the Sycamore School District as a 6th grader at Montgomery Elementary. I have three brothers, Stanley (SHS ’65), Kenneth (SHS ’58) and Glen who also went to Sycamore but received a GED while in the Army. We live in Adams County on 22 acres where we recently built a home. We are near all three of my brothers.

I have owned and operated a machine shop business in the Hamilton Ohio area. For hobbies, I enjoy hunting, fishing and quad-running.

I am sorry that I can not attend this reunion (2008). It would be great to see everyone. Tell everyone I say hello – maybe we will be able to make the next reunion.