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Blast #9: Honoring those who have passed

Aiken High School
Class of 1971



Dear Classmate,

Three alums recently shared their profiles by email, and it was wonderful to read their stories. We’ve located nearly 200 of our 400+ class members. 

Sadly, of the 200 we’ve found, nearly 70 have passed. While we remember them, we are reminded that, as the reunion’s In Memory webpage states, “Life is beautiful. And fragile.”

At our reunion on Saturday, November 6, 2021, 7pm, we will pause for a few moments to celebrate the lives of those classmates in a tribute led by Rev. Bob Clark, our class president and long-time pastor, most recently retired from Christ Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Indiana. Bob will lift us in honoring them as our classmates and Aiken alumni. 

The reunion’s In Memory webpage, https://www.aiken71.com/class_inmemory.cfm, lists those known to have passed, and no log-in is required to view them. We guide you there since it also has links to the obituaries for many of them. 

We hope you will join us at the reunion to revel, remember, and reacquaint with the Class of ‘71.


Your 50th Reunion Committee

Saul Aguiar
Lisé Bohannon
Keith Brown
Sue Stenten Gilman
Sylvia Hill
Kermit Kinne
William “Bill” Kirkwood
Geoff Mayfield
Kristeen Estep McKenzie
Charlotte Weiser Pamplin
Mary Ann Wesseler Perkins
Christopher Press
Linda Palumbo Ratterman
Laura Howard Scudder




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