In Memory

William Shamonsky

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03/25/17 10:16 AM #1    

Paula Kiley (Placko)

Bill and I have been friends since 7th grade.  He and Bill Cody, Keith Armbrust, Pam Norton and I were all good pals.  When I was in college he even stopped by and visited my mother.  In our adult years we always got together for lunch around our birthdays. Even after he moved to Florida for the winter, he'd always call when he came back north and we'd catch up.  There will forever be a hole in my heart now that he's gone.

PK Kiley Placko

03/25/17 12:33 PM #2    

Richard Tower

I am sad to hear this.RIP my friend.

03/25/17 01:41 PM #3    

Joanne Cino (Checket)

Condolences to Bill s family ... sadden by the news 

05/02/17 07:52 PM #4    

William Aydelott (Aydelott)

Sorry to hear this. Eddy Woehling and I were both on that tennis team, and we remember Bill as an intense competitor. Rob Schneider was always #1, and I think Bill was not far behind. I don't remember Bill's rank, but I do recall losing to him more often than not. He was a good guy, a true team player and evidently an individual with a wide variety of interests in competitive auto racing and other pursuits. Condolences to his family. They should know he is well-remembered.

Bill Aydelott


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