Susan Inglis Doty

Profile Updated: May 29, 2009
Residing In: Ballard, MO
Spouse/Partner: Jeff (high school sweetheart)
Occupation: Domestic Industrial Engineer
Children: Zachary Scott, 16, Junior
Amber Laine, 14, Freshman
Yes! Attending Reunion

What have I been doing since '89? Went to college at DeVry Institute, KC, MO, Business Industry (the in's and out's of warehouse/assembly-type businesses), married in Oct. '90, had Zach '92, worked as a seamstress (custom window treatments, etc.), had Amber '94, worked as an associate and then Asst.-Coach at the Wal-Mart Food Dist. Ctr. in H'ville, MO (Quality Assurance Dept. Fancy words for making sure the physical inventory was actually what the computer said), then the Lord told me I was done there and it was back to being a full-time farm wife and mother - the best job I've had (Titus 2:4-5). Been married for going on 19 years. We live on a farm near Ballard, MO with my parents, brothers, Rodney and Frank, and their families. My sister, Sarah and her husband and boys, are about 7 miles south near Johnstown. It's great being so close together. Keep busy with the kids' activities in Boy Scouts, 4-H, PTO, sports (all most year round), the going's on of keeping the farm going, garden planting and harvest, berries and fruit trees, delegating the chores of our numerous animals (cows, bottle calves, horses, honeybees, chickens, rabbits, cats and dog). My brothers have the pigs, sheep and milk cows so we are really close to being a petting zoo. ha ;) I love to sew, quilt, bake, ride horses and read. All in all, I have a wonderful life. Jeff is an honest, good man that provides for his family and my children are healthy and on their way to becoming productive adults. The Lord has blessed me in too many ways to mention them all here. I wish you all health and happiness in your endeavors. Praise the Lord. Love, Sue
