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30th Reunion Memories

Created on: 08/02/09 02:42 PM Views: 5137 Replies: 4
30th Reunion Memories
Posted Sunday, August 2, 2009 09:42 AM

SWEET Memories!

RE: 30th Reunion Memories
Posted Monday, August 3, 2009 10:36 PM

Thanks so much to everyone on the committee, you all did such a wonderful job.  I know it was a lot of work but I think this was the best reunion so far!!!  It was great.  Did anyone get any sleep this weekend???

RE: 30th Reunion Memories
Posted Tuesday, August 4, 2009 12:30 AM

This was the most fun I have had since I went to the 10 year.  I want to thank the comittee members and there better halfs.  Chris thank you for this website.  It allows all of us to stay connected.  I cannot wait to see the pictures.

RE: 30th Reunion Memories
Posted Tuesday, August 4, 2009 10:07 AM

Ditto to the committee...those in attendance were blessed by the fruits of your labor.

It was great to be a part of this "re-bonding" experience.  It was especially exciting for me to see day 2 of a Reunion...I liked it so much I think I will swear off Tequila for another 5 years!

Thanks to Terry Mills for helping me through BYOB on Saturday night. 

Thanks to the unnamed ladies who educated me to the special benefits of pineapple at the Saturday night after party.

Lets set a goal for 2014...if all of us bring 1 classmate who missed this great event...think how cool and crazy the next event will be.

Paul G....I want a tractor like yours when I grow up!


Final thought...I still am in pain from watching Mitch do the splits Saturday night...thanks for keeping us young my friend!!!!!!


Edited 08/04/09 03:59 PM
RE: 30th Reunion Memories
Posted Wednesday, August 5, 2009 09:59 AM

You know what I was thinking? Your oldest friends are REALLY the ones you know best. When else in life do you have that kind of time to get to know new friends...with work, marriage, kids, grandkids??

I had the pleasure of staying with the Linders along with Wally T. I swear we only got about 7 hours of sleep total all weekend. We never missed a beat. I used to spend hours with Rene, Lou, Tonya...they know me better than anyone. What a blessing all of you are to me. These are tried and true friendships...the best.

AND an added reunion bonus... going back and making new friends, getting to know people in a whole new way. Donna and Teresa, I so appreciated the time we spent on Friday. It made me wish we had had the chance to know each other better earlier. You make me laugh!!!

Paul, I was glad I was able to hold it together to drive you home Saturday. And I'm really glad I didn't get a speeding ticket. Damn, I like to go fast. Your place is AWESOME, your bathroom was really nice too. I was thinking I was going to have to find a tree but you were very generous to let me sneak in the house. I'm so thankful, you didn't go to bed and you hung in there with us. Hope we didn't tear up your place too much. Did it look like a bunch of hogs had rooted it up on Sunday?

Mitch, Belinda and the rest of you, class act, well done. Sorry you have had to take the load on year after year. Guess you should've moved off!! LOL

Chris Waples, you are amazing. Thanks for giving us this forum. I know I speak for everyone, we are grateful.

Steven Lee, thank you for driving me around. I'm still alive today and have you to thank for it.

Lastly, I was thinking about the coveted BREEDER'S CUP AWARD I was honored with for a second (or third) time in a row. Do you think we could discontinue that award cause I'm thinkin nobody's gonna beat me out of that one from here on?? Love and bless you all, Lori Brown