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Forum: High School Memories


Non parlez vous francais!

Created on: 24/06/09 03:18 AM Views: 236 Replies: 1
Non parlez vous francais!
Posted Tuesday, June 23, 2009 10:18 PM

After three years of high school French, I stilll walked away unable to say anything other than, "I don't speak French."

To add insult to injury, I needed to drop a college French course one month into the semester because I was getting crushed.  I could conjugation verbs with the best of them, but little else.

Poor Mr Wanger.  He was so good to us and we were hard on him.  ;-)


RE: Non parlez vous francais!
Posted Saturday, July 4, 2009 10:05 PM

Ditto that... not to mention... how many people did I help pass that class... all those calls he had to step out for during class... anyone see where he put that gradebook. 

