Ebony McIntosh

Profile Updated: May 27, 2010
Ebony McIntosh
Class Year: 1997
Residing In: Columbus, OH USA
Spouse/Partner: HA..go figure!!
Occupation: IT Analyst & Event Coordinator
Children: Lorenzo St. John Robinson
Tajh Alexander Robinson (step)
LaRoy Robinson II (step)
Kiearra More…Curry (step)
Domonique Robinson (step)
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion


School Story:

I remember being late for Mr. Bell's homeroom just about everyday because we (Boonie, Olisa, and Chris) would stop at Burger King every morning for breakfast. Crazy part is I don't recall us ever getting in trouble for it...

Mrs. Jenkins would always tell Boonie and I that she was going to call our parents because we were always acting up (in her option) in COE. Dr. Boyd would always send me on a food run for her during class.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:56 AM