Melanie Jupe Valdez facebook

Profile Updated: February 28, 2009
Melanie Jupe
Residing In: Cookeville, TN USA
Spouse/Partner: Ernie
Occupation: Registered Nurse
Children: Garrett, born 1987; Hillary, born 1988
Class Year: 1981
Melanie Jupe


Yes! Attending Reunion

Since leaving Judson, I have gone to Cosmetology school, Junior College and then the UTHSC Houston and San Antonio. I have been a RN since 1987 and have been married to Ernie Valdez for a little over 24 years. We are now living in Cookeville, TN, where Ernie is Director of International for Averitt Express and I am a Certified Sedation Nurse for Regional Oral Surgery Center. Our children are both Juniors in college and I might add, beautiful, intellegent young people! Ernie and I enjoy traveling, seeing friends, and going to the well as eating great food...thus the need for the gym!!

School Story:

Well...only a few will under understand this...P is for...A is for...; and Ugh Oh, Spagetti O's. Also, I really enjoyed the whole rubber chicken thing until Mr. Dalton got involved!

I wanted to say thank you to everyone who gave my life meaning while in high school! I learned alot about people in high school and not alot of general education info. I learned that when I decided to go back to college after working 10 years in various jobs where I didn't earn much money! Some of us just grow differently than others. Anyway...I had alot of fun in school, in the halls, on the track at football games, at the Pizza Hut, Jack in the Box, Live Oak Park, Judson Drive Inn, various house parties in Live get the picture!