Danna Gobar/Link Facebook

Profile Updated: July 3, 2009
Danna Gobar/Link
Residing In: Round Rock, TX
Spouse/Partner: Rick
Occupation: Dental Hygienist
Children: Erica 1992
Aaron 1994
Class Year: 1980
Danna Gobar/Link


Yes! Attending Reunion
What do you do in your spare time?

Lots of church youth activities!

High points of your life since high school:

Mexico dental mission trips.

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I'll be traveling to Africa this fall to work in an orphanage and clean teeth.

What kind of vehicle did you drive? Any special stories concerning that car/truck/van, etc.?

Lots of vehicle stories...roll overs, fires, head-ons etc. I'm amazed people still allow me to drive their kids around! lol

Who was your favorite band?

ZZ Top 38 Special

What was the best concert you ever attended?

Styx, ZZ Top