In Memory

Jack Bassinger

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08/18/10 01:12 AM #1    

Christopher Nelson

My buddy Jack...  So many fun times growing up together...  I have vivid memories of a bunch of us being at his house begging his Mom to take us to the beach early on Saturday mornings.  I can smell the coconut scent that filled the room as we waxed up our surfboards in preparation the night before...  Love and miss ya Jack

09/13/10 08:52 PM #2    

Frank Porras

i remember when Jack and I got into so much trouble when we were at St. Patricks private school together...unfortunately as we grew older, middle school split us up but we were reunited when we came to Ray High School together...he still gave you that initial "i'm quiet kinda guy til you know me" kinda look when we saw each other as sophomores...

several years ago i went back to pay some tribute to our St. Patty's school behind Ray just to see some old time memories and i ran into our old P.E. teacher "Mrs D!" and ANYONE WHO WENT TO RAY AND ALSO STARTED OUT AT ST.PATRICK's KNOWS WHO THAT IS ...i started asking who was where and who was doing what, it was she who informed me that Jack had passed away and how he had passed away, i was floored...i was speechless and in disbelief. never in a million years did i think he'd be gone so soon.

i miss you Jack...

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