In Memory

Terry Cofer

Terry Cofer

Terry was killed in Viet Nam.

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03/13/15 12:10 AM #1    

Tim Hopkins

James Terrell (Terry) Cofer's name appears on PanelW24 Line 38 of the Memorial wall of the Vietnam War. Terry was an E5, Specialist Five in the United States Army during the Vietnam War. His MOS was Observation/Scout Helicopter Repairer. His Unit was B Co., 4th AVN BN, 4th INF DIV, USA. He began his tour in Vietnam 11/08/1968 and his casualty date was 05/18/1969, at 21 years of age. His death occurred in Pleiku Province, South Vietnam. His Casualty Detail indicated that his death was due to Air loss or crash over land. You can view this profile at:

Added by: Tim Hopkins


03/13/15 03:13 PM #2    

James Hunt

Thanks Tim for this great comment.  My daughter, Megan, actuall went to DC on a school trip and had a photograph made at the Memorial and Terry''s name appeared right beside her.  She obviously had no clue about the significance or the relationship.  I'll have to see if I can find the picture and bring it with me to the reunion.

03/14/15 02:40 PM #3    

Katrina (Trina) Stone (Wright)

Thanks, Tim!! Was very sad when saw news of Terry being KIA years ago! He was a very good friend who helped me get through Geometry! He deserves to be honored. Such a great guy! Thanks so much for posting info.

03/16/15 02:14 PM #4    

Charles Reynolds

So sorry to hear this about Terry!  We've lost too many classmates!

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