In Memory

Ed Broederdorf

Ed Broederdorf

Eddie is responsible for the reunions we have had since 2000.  Late 1999 I received a phone call from him chiding me to do something about planning a reunion..I don't think we had one since 1990.  He was already raging a battle with cancer at the time and wanted to come back to see all of his old friends.  That was just the push I needed.  I started contacting as many local classmates as I could find and we started planning.  We had a great reunion and Eddie and his young family came from Pennsylvania to join in the festivities.  We spoke several time after that, and in the late spring of 2003 our friend Steve Nall called  to say that Eddie would be at his brothers house and would I come to see him.  He didn't have good news, but he was a fighter and he never lost hope.  He died in August of 2003, leaving a sad void in the lives of his family and many friends.