In Memory

Leslie George (Wilken) VIEW PROFILE

Leslie George (Wilken)

Leslie Wilken

Leslie Wilken, 42, Davenport, died Saturday, Nov. 4, 1995, at home.

She was a certified public accountant and taught account-ing at St. Ambrose University, Davenport, and Black Hawk College, Moline.

Leslie George married Dr. Lon Wilken, D.C., in 1973 in Betten-dorf.

She received a master's degree in business administration from St. Ambrose University in May. She held a grade point average of 4.0 and received the Wall Street Journal Scholastic Award.

She was a member of Zion Lu-theran Church, Davenport. She enjoyed gardening and tennis.

Memorials may be made to the family.

Survivors include her husband; daughters, Kelsey and Kari Wilken, both at home; one grandson; a sister, Kathy (Mrs. Kensyl) Reading, Walcott, Iowa.

She was preceded in death by her mother, Donna George, on April 6., and her father, Evan George, in 1966.

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09/13/16 09:24 AM #1    

Pam Kress (Kress-Dunn)

Leslie was one of my best childhood friends. She lived nearby, and we often played together. We were pretty young when we met, and if one of us stayed late at the other's house, our fathers would walk the one who was visiting back home. It wasn't far, but it was dark! My favorite memories are of playing Barbies at her house. Sometimes we would take our flutes and music stands outside to practice in her yard. We also played with Kathy Knapp, since she lived just up the hill from Lesie and me.  I have some great photos of Leslie with me, Debbie Coker, and Debbie Barnard at a slumber party. We double-dated when we went to Gala, and I have great pictures of the four of us, all dressed up.

I lost touch with Leslie after high school, but I did see her one more time. Someone told me she had married. One day in the early 70s, my college roommate and I went to the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds to see Erik Clapton play. I noticed a young couple with a beautiful dog walking by, and realized it was Leslie. She looked pretty and happy, and that's how I will remember her. 

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