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Forum: Reunion Feedback



Created on: 08/14/09 04:29 AM Views: 1292 Replies: 11
Posted Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:29 PM

I talked with Tawanna, I am still on a cloud.  I can not believe it is all over!  It was so good seeing everyone - All I can say is, WOW!!!.  This journey was well worth the time spent and from the feedback, it appears you all had a great time too.  

Take Care, send your pics to Joesph and see you in 5 (should the Lord will).

Edited 08/20/09 07:37 AM
RE: Reunion
Posted Friday, August 14, 2009 06:34 AM

Even tho I was unable to attend the reunion I received calls from those who were able to attend, they all raved about what a great time they had and how well organized it was.

I wanted to send out a Kudos to you and to all who made the Class of 84 reunion a great experience!

I'm crossing my fingers I can make it in 5!


RE: Reunion
Posted Friday, August 14, 2009 07:25 AM

It was the most wonderful weekend and more than I could have asked for. The reunion committee did a wonderful job of planning each event and keeping us updated on any changes.  It was so fun to see everyone smiling and chatting it was so much fun.  I was also amazed to see that so many of us still stay in town.   Just keep us posted on the 30th, I will do what I can to help.

Caren Conrad

RE: Reunion
Posted Friday, August 14, 2009 09:06 AM

I second ,third and fourth that. terra this wknd was so wonderful 4 me. i didnt know what 2 expect b-cause it had literally been 25 years since i've seen almost everyone. the greeting and embraces were s genuine. everyone look good and still crazy as ever. i will remember this one 4-ever. send me pics so i'll be able to see the memories also. u guys did an awsome job. makes me wish i could have been there 2 help with the organization of the whole thing but hey i see my help wasn't needed at all. JOB WELL DONE!

RE: Reunion
Posted Friday, August 14, 2009 02:07 PM

Hello All!


The reunion was great.  It was organized well and just about flawlessly executed.  You guys did a phenominal job and it was really great to see everyone.  Thanks for all you guys did to ensure we all felt valued, loved and taken care of as a whole.  I appreciate you all and wish you the best throughout the remaining portion of this year.  Be blessed!

Edited 08/14/09 11:42 PM
RE: Reunion
Posted Sunday, August 16, 2009 05:24 PM

"Thank you" seems so understated for the amount of appreciation and gratitude so many of us felt from having experienced our 25th yr reunion. You're never really sure what to expect but the "Team of Me" went way above & beyond the call of duty in putting this together. It was so nice to see everyone and I got a chance to talk to people that I'm sure I didn't speak to much while at Patterson. It was really a blessed time and one we will definitely look back on with huge smiles on our faces and in our hearts. A job truly well done!

RE: Reunion
Posted Monday, August 17, 2009 08:39 AM

To The Class of 1984,

I am very disappointed that I was unable to attend. The picture gallery has some really beautiful photos of everyone that was there.

I was glad to see many faces that the Lord has blessed to reach a 25th year and I must say that me and my family have been truly blessed. The reunion committee did what looked like a fabulous job. Congrats to Terra and the gang. I look forward to the 30th and am available to help in any way that I can.

Continue to be blessed and God willing we'll see each other in 2014.

lol. Tracy Watson (White)

RE: Reunion
Posted Tuesday, August 18, 2009 06:10 AM

FANTASTIC JOB!!!  I think the number of events was just enough.  The memorial part of the dinner, while tear-jerking, was very nicely done.  I appreciate all of the labor of love you all put into making this event phenomenal.  The amount of detail that went into the planning was outstanding.  The ENTIRE planning committee should be commended on doing a fantastically, wonderful job.  Here we are a whole week out and I am still reeling, grinning, laughing, and remembering what a great time I had.  The trip was well worth the travel.  It was great to see everyone.  Although, I did not get around to greet everyone who was at the "Meet and Greet" and the Dinner, it was an amazing turnout.  I'm looking forward to getting my DVD.  I had such a great time at the first two events, when it came time for the picnic, and I had a conflict, I was seething that I could not make it. 

AND, not only did the planning committee take us back into another time, but the Hoffman girls (Judi and Joan) really did a job with the Miami Chapel memories.  I am so looking forward to the next time (God grant it and the creeks don't rise).  Thank you Class of 1984 for the memories and thank you planning committee for bringing it together!!!

RE: Reunion
Posted Tuesday, August 18, 2009 02:31 PM



To my 1984 graduating  classmates: Thank you for supporting this event and gracing our presence with your beautiful faces. It was nice to visit with old friends, some of which go back to even elementary school. The weekend confirmed that we have each taken different paths through our life journey. I was amazed at some of the paths that some of you have taken and I thank you for sharing your stories with me. This reunion could not have been a success without you being there.

To the planning committee: You deserve a standing ovation. You did a great job and provided a fun filled weekend for all. You thought of everything! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to make this 25th class reunion a success.

To those who were unable to attend I hope to see your smiling faces next time we come together.

 To all: I pray that God blesses each of you with love,  good health, peace of mind, and prosperity.


RE: Reunion
Posted Tuesday, August 18, 2009 08:54 PM


Mrs. McKnight, Mother of Beloved Classmate, Michelle McKnight, stated she is telling everyone of what a wonderful time she and her family had at the reunion, and loved the way we honored Michelle. She said everything was so nice, and the dance preceding the tribute was lovely. She thought we "treated them like royalty." Also, she said that any of our classmates that did not show for the reunion weekend, missed something special.


Edited 08/18/09 08:55 PM
RE: Reunion
Posted Thursday, August 20, 2009 04:06 AM

Unfortunately I had to miss the reunion; HOWEVER, I too heard it was AWESOME.   I must say, viewing the pictures was very emotional for me because I missed such a fabulous occasion. 

I'm so thrilled that it turned out so well. Congratulations to all. I will not miss the next one.