In Memory

Robert Forsberg

Robert Forsberg

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08/23/09 09:54 PM #1    

Dawn Beck (Hansard)

I didn't know Robert very well, but we had the same bus stop for Jr. High. He was very nice and friendly, He was quiet. I was very sad to hear of his passing. RIP

08/29/09 01:11 PM #2    

Kathy (Kate) Hudson (Herold)

I knew Robert pretty well, and we hung out some and went to the mall a lot on the bus....(before I had a car that is) Once I got my license and car we were all over the place! He was a really sweet guy, and a true friend. What I remember about Robert is no matter what anyone else did or said..he never had anything mean to say about anyone. I met his parents once when I went over to his house and they were really nice people too. I really liked him a lot and was really sad when I found out he had passed away. I never even knew he was sick. I wish I had known so I could have told him what a good friend he was. I'll miss him.

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