In Memory

Charlene Hennessey

Charlene Hennessey

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08/20/09 02:37 AM #1    

Matthew Scott

The memory I have for charlene is she allways had a bright smile she will allways be in my prayers

08/20/09 09:29 PM #2    

Dawn Beck (Hansard)

Charlene and I were good friends and we had alot of fun together, she always made me laugh...she knew how to have a good time. I think of her often and miss her alot.

08/23/09 04:41 PM #3    

Maureen (Mo) Hyland

I too think of Charlene often. She was such a funny person and I had so much fun hanging with her. I miss her alot.

08/24/09 09:31 AM #4    

Tangee Culver (Murphy)

I was very good friends with Charlene and was very saddened to hear of her passing.

08/24/09 10:12 PM #5    

Patricia Lewis (Adams)

Charlene and I were in a service organization called Rainbow Girls together when we were 12. I took her with me on family vacations and we had more fun than our parents ever knew...but that was Charlene! Miss you, girl. <3

08/25/09 11:11 PM #6    

Brenda Bennett (Martino)

Charlene and I too were in Rainbow Girls together and I am so sorry to hear of her passing. I used to remember that Charlene would always have a great time laughing with all of us girls, just being herself...

11/10/09 07:43 AM #7    

Tammie Pryor (Padgett)

Charlene is here with us, just look around. I too, think of her often and wished that she had not been taken away from us so soon. She was full of life and laughter and is greatly missed by me.

12/26/09 01:27 AM #8    

Anita Anes

Charlene left me with a smile every time I saw her !!! Godspeed Honey ---- I Miss You !!!! Anita

06/30/10 12:06 AM #9    

Mary Gunshanan (Schaefer)

Charlene was one of a kind! Such a good person. I met Charlene in the 8th grade. We used to ride her banana seat bicycle to school, along w/ all our books and her good ol' clarinet. I miss you Shaleeen.

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