In Memory

Dwight McMillon

Dwight McMillon

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08/19/09 11:45 PM #1    

Dawn Beck (Hansard)

I remember having alot of fun in school with Dwight...he always made me laugh. I was so sorry to hear of his passing.

08/24/09 10:27 PM #2    

Patricia Lewis (Adams)

Dwight was so smart and really funny. He always had something witty to say about everything and everyone. I'm really sorry to hear of his passing.

08/30/09 09:20 PM #3    

Mark Mayhew

Dwight, gone to soon...A Friend, A Teammate and A Brother ! Missed but not Forgotten.

08/31/09 10:56 PM #4    

John Stemberger

Does any one know how or why he died? So sad. John

11/10/09 07:41 AM #5    

Tammie Pryor (Padgett)

What a charming person and friend. So sorry to hear of his passing!

11/16/09 09:34 AM #6    

Susan (Jane) Beatty (Leavitt)

It breaks my heart to see this. Dwight was always laughing, smiling and playing around.. He definitely made my Senior year a lot of fun.. Love always to you Dwight, i will miss you forever..

12/11/09 01:37 AM #7    

Anita Anes

Dwight was one of the few people who could make me laugh after I had already convinced myself I was pissed at everybody! I Hope somebody is up there telling you the same stupid things to you that you always said to me!!! God Already Blessed You before he brought you home !!!! I'm still " the lady always thinking about shit that makes me mad" --- As memories go--- Your one of them! ANITA

02/15/10 03:24 PM #8    

Darlene Davis

OMG! Life is sooooo short! I just can't believe this. Dwight and I cut up in Math class in 11th grade. He was so silly, but I would always be the one to get in trouble. What happened to him? Dwight R.I.P. and I luv' ya still! Darlene

02/09/11 06:06 AM #9    

Ronald Smith

My friend, my classmate and my quarterback it was a privilege to know him because you could be having a bad day than here come Dwight with that look calling me FiFi that what they call my mom making me laugh. We had alot of fun times together on the field under the lights and off the field hang out enjoying the night lights. I have alot memories from my friend, my classmate  and my quarterback. What was so strange on day of his funnel it was on my birthday. When he went home I felt like apart of me left, but GOD alway know whats best for us and he never would made it with out him. R.I.P. #8 Gone But Not Foregotten !!! Class of 80' 

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