In Memory

Angela Southworth

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01/26/09 08:56 PM #1    

Robert Roza

Angie passed away on 01/21/1989

I knew Angie and hung around her and she went out with Paul Decamello. I remember her well and clearly and she was outgoing, pretty, a free spirit, and fun to be around. You will not be forgotten. Rest in peace Ang.

02/06/09 07:57 PM #2    

Angelique Schuelke (Terwellen)

I remember Angie well. We smoked in the bathroom together. lol. She was always happy and laughing. I was shocked to hear what happened to her. That's just terrible. May she rest in peace.

02/09/09 01:39 PM #3    

Kristina Wilkins (Haas)

This is horrible. I remember her. HOw sad. Does anyone know if they found who did it? How could anyone do such a thing. SHe was so young. This whole day has been one big shock for me!

02/12/09 08:29 PM #4    

Stacey Woods (Alexander)

We were still in school when she died, I do not remember hearing of her death while we were there. I clearly remember her from smoking in the bathroom too!!! I agree with Kris, this page is so sad, I hope they found who did it......

02/27/09 11:56 PM #5    

Monica Conrad (Irby)

Angie and I were very close. When I graduated, her parents came to see me graduate because, in a way, I graduated for her too. "The guy" she was living with did not do it, and they could never prove the people that did. It shouldn't matter how many times she was shot! What matters is that she, like everyone else, shouldn't be remembered for how she died, but for how she was when she was alive.

05/01/09 03:02 PM #6    

Melissa E

I couldn't agree more Monica. In fact, many classmates share your sentiment. Out of respect for Angie and all of her close friends, we removed the link.

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