Jullee Nacewicz Joshua

Profile Updated: August 5, 2009
Residing In: Dearborn, MI USA
Spouse/Partner: Alexander
Occupation: orthopedic parapro
Children: 3 boys:
Dakota, 13 years old
Jagger, 10 years old
Bishop, 7 years old

wow, can't believe its been soooo long! i moved to massachusetts the day after graduation, went to school, played college hockey and soccer then on my way to california, i stopped back home to visit my parents and stayed.
i'm married, have 3 boys, and work for dearborn schools in special education. we travel alot due to our sons' hockey - ironically, we were suppose to be leaving for russia today for a tournament (my oldest plays for NIKE) but he severed two tendons in his toe and then a bone infection developed. since we are not going, i am going to try to make the reunion, but for sure we'll be there at the picnic on saturday. can't wait to see everybody!


hockey, hockey and more hockey. i still play and my two oldest sons play on AAA travel teams.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:06 AM
THIS IS NOT MY HUSBAND, it is me and johan franzen after a wings game.
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:06 AM
my 3 sons: Bishop, Dakota, Jagger
