In Memory

Michael Sprott

Michael Sprott

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12/02/08 02:28 PM #1    

Robert Roza

Mike passed away on 10/14/1999

12/21/08 09:34 PM #2    

Amy Labelle (Aston)

Mike was a sweet guy. He will be missed.

02/06/09 08:05 PM #3    

Angelique Schuelke (Terwellen)

I used to hang out with Mike after we graduated. He was such a nice guy. He and my brother were roommates for a while and we'd all go to the bar together. It's still hard to believe he's gone. May he rest in peace.

02/09/09 01:46 PM #4    

Kristina Wilkins (Haas)

again SHOCK!

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