In Memory

Anthony Barlow

Anthony Barlow

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11/12/08 06:15 PM #1    

Robert Roza

Tony passed away on 09/26/2005


02/09/09 12:23 PM #2    

Nicole Tithof (Harbin)

Tony stood up in our wedding and was a very good friend of Todd's. He is thought of often and will be missed for a lifetime.

02/09/09 01:50 PM #3    

Kristina Wilkins (Haas)

i spent a lot of time with Tony we were great friends and i will always have those memories. He will be missed.

03/18/09 11:51 PM #4    

Jason Trapp

Tony was one of my best friends ( till he pulled me over one seriously i loved the guy like my brother...He will be missed till i see him again....

06/03/14 03:05 PM #5    

Alison Widmer

What happened to him?

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