In Memory

Robert Brooks

Robert Brooks

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12/10/08 10:20 PM #4    

Kimberly McMillan

He was just a big teddy bear that was always happy. My son went to edsel with his nephew Alex , Rob had gotten his life together , lost weight, then the unthinkable happened....

12/12/08 10:02 AM #5    

Mark Larsen

Rob was a good friend that could get along with anyone. It didn't matter who you were he had the kind of personality that was accepting of other people.

12/17/08 12:19 AM #6    

James Worth

Sad, it really is. I had no idea. Always a kind person, he will be missed. Does anybody know how did Rob passed?

12/17/08 08:14 PM #7    

Robert Roza

Rob "Twiggy" died of on 02/05/2003 of a congestive heart failure/brain aneurism. Cremated and buried on top of his father and next to his mother at Grand Lawn Cemetery. My $.02 on Rob...he was a gentle giant. He was always there to lend a ear and give advice and had an old soul. It totally sucks because I was very close to him and for a long time. He was not happy with the way things were turning out and lack of luck with female companionship and finding a partner. He deserved more then to have his life cut short by fate. He is at peace now. I'll always remember the good times and partying and hanging out, the D&D, and gaming it up over the computers, and listening to Led Zeppelin and Warren Zevon (Warewolfs of London). It and he was a lot of fun. Miss you big guy. Peace and love always my friend. "So let it be said, so let it be done" "Damn it Jim, I'm a Paladin, not a Magic User!" R.I.P.

12/17/08 08:23 PM #8    

Philip Cicero

I agree with Jim. He really was a great guy. Took a lot of crap from all of us about his size and weight. But when I think back about Rob I think about 3 things.....
1. He gave me my first Playboy.
2. He gave me the lighter that I used to set the school bus seat on fire with in 8th grade.
3. And the time he almost drowned me in the pool in 9th grade.
Good times. Miss you buddy.

12/21/08 09:32 PM #9    

Amy Labelle (Aston)

Rob was a very nice guy who you could always talk to. He will be missed.

01/25/09 08:46 AM #10    

Alison Widmer

He was such a fantastic human being. His one-liners were the greatest. To this day, I keep a little book in my pocket to write down the funny things people say. I am just glad that I knew such a person.

04/17/09 02:59 PM #11    

Aimee Kober (Wiercioch)

Yeah... I remember when he told me about a job opening about planting tulips....when I fell for it hook, line and sinker he said, "okay, plant two lips," lol!

06/26/09 06:50 PM #12    

Dean Langley

Robert Brooks saved my life.

07/27/09 06:57 PM #13    

Paul Labelle

We first meet in summer camp "camp dearborn" we were 7or8
and, best friends ever since but, I think everyone that knew him would say this about him or at least those of us in the closed circle of friends. I think he in some way changed the lifes of anyone that had the chance to meet him. I truely miss my Friend to this day!

I'll Follow You

Robert E. Brooks Jr. 3-28-71 to 2-5-03

I have to tell everyone now! Because, I may not
come back. Some will find it hard to believe
even coming from me, alittle crazy... How, it
was suppose to be me. He was suppose to take
me. 32 and things haven't turned out the way
they should be. Am I living in a dream? I
sold my soul, I sealed the deal. Now, its
gone amiss! The Devil twisted the deal... My
suffering and regret for eternity. I now
truly believe I shall not die, Before seeing
all loved, created and wished destroyed
before my eyes! So, you can pay me back ten
fold when I join you! I'll still follow you.
It was a demonic plan for us to rule the
world. You to lead, me to general, the rest
to follow! Now, his plan doesn't seem so
hollow. I live now just to die... Then,
I'll Follow You!

Paul David LaBelle
Copyright ©2009 Paul David LaBelle

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