Classmate Profiles (1984)

     User has created a profile: 16
     Profile contains photos: 3
     Military Service: 1
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Jason Beggs
Kyle Bolt
Debra Bopp (McCauley)
Becki Broach (Wines)
Kimble Brown (Griffin)   
Steve Burger   
Chris Buttrill
Kevin Carman
Scott Corbett
Michael Daly
Stanely Davenport
Steven Davenport
Lauren Deere (Burtt)
Bonnie Dobbs (Farmer)   
Lolita Ferrell    
Cynthia Gaddy (Vinson)   
Lisa Gagliano (Ricketts)
Cathy Giambruno
Doreen Gifford (Nash)
Jennifer Glaze (Smida)   
Tricia Harris (Ratigan)
Ted Helms
Andy Hemphill
Eric Hothem
Michelle Howard (Burden)
Kristi Kelly (Gambill)   
Susan Kelly (Jones)    
Debbie Kirk (Livingston)   
Mia Logan (Goodson)   
Mike McCone
Mark McLain
Mike Moseley
Marco Orsini   
Linda Parris (Dunehew)
Marina Pearson (Newsome)
Suzanne Piehl    
Richard Quinn
Kerri Rackleff (Mulik)   
Jacque Reid
Terrence Reid
Stephanie Richardson (Meissner)
Lisa Rittenberry (Barefoot)
Ruan Rochester
Scott Scroggy   
Chris Sharp    
Gabriel Simpson
Gwenna Smith (Egart)
Rod Underwood
Lynn Vineyard
Cheryl Walker (Lewis)
Shane Wallace
Diana Webb (Tallent)   
Kathi Welton (Moore)
Libby Wheeler (Santin)
Chip Wood
Doug Wood
Michael Woodside

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