In Memory

Okla Campbell

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09/29/09 09:58 PM #1    

Patrick Hogan-Wise

A near and dear friend who will be missed by all who knew her. Love Ya OAK


10/07/09 11:13 AM #2    

Eutasia Bell (Brooks)

Okla was my best friend or should I say my little sister , we were so close from the 6th grade until her death she had huge dreams that was taken from she to soon there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about my friend.she was one in a million,I loved her and miss her dearly.

10/11/09 06:44 PM #3    

Leah Wilson (Currey)

I had a tremendous amount of respect for Okla. Her death was tragic and heartbreaking. She always carried herself in such a graceful way. She will be missed.

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