In Memory

James Hollingsworth (1959)

James Hollingsworth (1959)


James Alan Hollingsworth was born January 2, 1941, in Detroit, Michigan and died March 8th , 2023, in Ponte Vedra, Florida. Jim joined the Army out of high school and was serving in Berlin, in the 101st Airborne, when the Berlin Wall went up, August 12-13, 1961. After 3 years in the army he returned to Detroit and studied auto engineering. He and a friend formed an engineering company of which Jim was CEO. He retired to Scottsdale, Arizona where he met his wife Barbara. They enjoyed 27 years of dancing, hiking, tennis , and golf . They entertained for dances for 15 years, calling themselves “Jim-N-I”. They eventually moved to Colorado, then to Florida. Jim is survived by his wife, Barbara and three daughters, Julie Pittman, Barbie Zabielski, and Lisa Rivers,a son, Ken Hollingsworth, 7 grandchildren, and one great grandson.

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03/15/23 09:03 AM #1    

Arlene C. Brown (1960) (Black)

So very surprised and sorry to hear this! I have thought about Jim many times through the years. I remember his beautiful singing voice, his signature DA hair, and the fact that he had that sexy "bad boy" look but was such a kind and gentle soul. My condolences to his wife and family. I'm sure he will be greatly missed.

03/17/23 05:31 PM #2    

Janet M Cable (Lauster)

From Dick Jankowski:  Heres a photo of Jim Hollingsworth ( middle) and me ( right) you can post in honor of Jim on the Mack Reunion Site.

Best Buds Forever

03/18/23 09:28 PM #3    

Richard Jankowski

Jim was a friend of mine for over 70 years. We first met when we were ten years old in the early 1950's. Jim (or James-Z) as he was often called back then, lived six doors down from me on Montrose in a working class neighborhood in northwest Detroit. We did pretty much what all young kids did back then, rode our bikes, played sports, built forts, and went to the Saturday matinee's at our local theater, the Atlas. It was a fun time that we always enjoyed reminising about as we grew up.

There were so many stories, so many great memories that we shared. We both attended the same high school, Mackenzie, and soon after our lives took a different turn. Jim enlisted in the Army and I went To Wayne State to study education. After he left the service, Jim moved out west, but we still managed to stay connected over the years. We have always called each other on our birthdays to spend time catching up. I'm glad I had the chance to to talk to him on his last birthday January 2, never knowing it would be the last time we would talk. If I could say something to him today, it would be, " You did good Jim, you did real good!" Rest in peace.

Your friend forever, Dick Jankowski....





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