In Memory


Don Reynolds

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15/05/14 06:16 PM #1    

David Berry

Hockey buddy and best friend

17/07/14 09:46 AM #2    

Lloyd Simpson

Don, Dave Berry and I along with other Denby guys played hockey together on various backyard rinks and then later on organized teams at Heilman recreation (remember Friday night open skating?). We lived and breathed hockey. Later Don and I roomed together sophmore year at MSU. We both settled in Grosse Pointe and I would see Don riding his bike on Lakeshore while I was walking my dog. Sometimes Bill Seppala would ride by on his motorcycle and the three of us would talk and rehash Denby days. Don had the wryest sense of humor and I still crack up when I think about some of his lines.

Lloyd Simpson

19/03/19 10:00 PM #3    

Paul Roberts

Don and  I were in cub and Boy Scouts together with both of our parents active. Played hockey in Don' s backyard several times, and one year on same hockey team later. He was good, me not so much. Both our parents remained good friends after we both moved on. Don was close to my sister and her husband in the Point, and the last time I saw Don was when my mother passed in 2007. Really sorry even now.

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