In Memory


Paul Meyer

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25/06/14 11:26 AM #1    

Lloyd Simpson

I met Paul at Wayne Junior High and we became best friends. We roomed together at MSU junior and senior years and then we hooked up again after I got out of the army. Paul arranged a blind date for me with a girl who lived down the street from him and she eventually became ny wife. Paul was a true friend and would do anything for you.

26/06/14 10:37 PM #2    

John Lambert

Lloyd...............It was so nice of you to provide comments about your experiences and feelings regarding Paul Meyer.  I, also, was fortunate to have been good friends and shared many positive times / memories with Paul.  My relationship with Paul started in grade school and continued through High School.   Paul and I lived in the same area and he provided me with my daily transportation to and from Denby (in his little red Nash station wagon).  Also, Paul and I shared the same interest in football, hockey and tennis.  I alsways considered Paul to be a great competitor and we were fortunate to be teammates on the State Championship Football Team, we were doubles team partners on the tennis team (we both never got over our lost in the State Tennis Finals to a couple of cocky players from Grosse Pointe High) and we both benefited from being members of Detroit Red Wing farm teams during our junior and senior years at Denby. 

Lloyd, I too was shocked to learn of Paul's passing at such a young age.  Something I have just been made aware of through the Denby 64 Reunion Web Site.  I feel really bad and I regret that after being Paul's close friend and sharing so many experiences with him for so many years I didn't do a better job staying in touch with him after graduating from Denby.   I appreciate your effort to help me and I am sure many other classmates of Paul reflect on the memorable times we shared wth him.

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