Bernard Gregoire

Profile Updated: June 28, 2019
Residing In: Chandler, AZ USA
Occupation: Retired Aerospace Design Engineer
Children/Grandchildren Daughter , Son & 3 Grandsons
Military Service: U.S Army  
Yes! Attending Reunion

43 year career in Design engineering ,. Retired on 10-31-1999

Elementary School

Clinton School & Post Int.

Education after graduating from Mumford

Glendale Community College , Glendale Az .


Travel , Photography & Reading .

What would we be surprised to know about you?

During my career , I had the chance to travel to a number of countries .

What did you do right after high school?

Several driving jobs , prior to entering the Army .

What do you do now? How did you get into that?

Retired .

High points of your life since high school.

Enjoying my family . Travel to visit my son & daughter in law , who reside in Tangier , Morocco . My Daughter in law is the Principal of the Americn School of North Africa , located in Tangier .

Any vices?

thankfully , nothing major .

Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose?

Not that I can remember .

Ever been on TV?

No .

Where will you be in 10 years?

Probably , gone to my final change of Address , Eternity .