In Memory

Cynthia Sue Patterson

Cynthia Sue Patterson

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10/12/16 02:11 AM #1    

Shirley Marshall

She was a good friend and I'm so sorry her life was cut short.

10/12/16 07:49 AM #2    

Sandy Robertson (Poirot)

i still think of her often and miss her.  She was a good friend.

10/13/16 10:16 AM #3    

Justina Munkres (Richardson)

I think of Susan and our life together after high school.  We lived together in Denver, She worked at 1st National of Denver & I worked for a law firm.  With her treatments she didn't feel too hot at times but she was a trooper thru it all. Even in the hospital in her last days. Her fingernails had finally grown & her Mom had polished them; she couldn't wait to show me what they looked like. we had such a great time together seeing the sites in Denver, driving all over the place  and learning how to cook a decent meal. It was one of the best times in my life. I miss her, we had a special bond.

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