Classmate Profiles (1893)

     Contains profile information: 1
     In Memory: 16
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 16
     Military Service: 3
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Class 1893 Photos   
Joseph Selman Abercr…     
Richmond Taswell Aderhol…    
Adelaide Lillian 'Addie'…    
Belzara Letticia 'Belle'…    
W. J. Campbell    
W. A. Easley
John W. Henry     
Linnie McElreath (Greer)    
Hiram Warner Nalley    
Lavina 'Vinie' Phillips (M…)    
Sarah Alberta 'Sallie' P…    
Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Roberts    
Homer P. Selman    
Jimmie Stubbs (St. John)    
O. R. Vance
Cornelius Alex 'Conn…     
Minnie Weddington (Rainey)    
Jessie Winn (McGouirk)    

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