Classmate Profiles (1923)

     Contains profile information: 1
     Profile contains photos: 1
     In Memory: 32
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 32
     Military Service: 8
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Class 1923 Photos    
Edwin Homer Baggett     
Margaret Priscilla Baggett    
Levola Geraldine Banks (Ar…)    
Ruth Elizabeth Beall (Gelders)    
Leroy Gilbert Boatright     
Opal Fayne Boatright (Holl…)    
Gertie Maude Brittain (Gibbs)    
Margaret 'Maggie Lou' Brown    
William Pierce Clark    
Annie Lucile Dodson (Lovvorn)    
Martha Lucile Duncan (Jones)    
Mildred 'Blanche' Edwards    
Nell Kate Giles (Brisendine)    
Opal Alzena Giles (Weil)    
Geraldine Farrah Graves    
Garrett Alfred Hays,…     
Mary 'Louise' Hendrix (Buc…)    
Henry Sloan Hopkins     
Alma Faye Hudson (Estes)    
Henry Grady King, Sr.     
Nancy Elizabeth "Nannie" Kirby
Callie Mae Light (Mullinax)    
Frank Layne Matthews    
Eros William Pitts     
Sara Louise Powell
Sarah Carolyn Selman
Sarah Melissa Smith
Stephen Ralph Smith     
Julian James Upshaw    
Mary Evelyn Vansant (Fulli…)    
Thelma Irene Waldrop (Vansant)    
James Ernest Waldrop…     
Vera Blanche Wallace    
Lura Almarine Watkins
Dula 'Florence' Willoughby    
Lucy Margaret Willoughby    
Lillian 'Estelle' Yancey    

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