Lyndi Lewis Johnson

Profile Updated: April 14, 2009
Residing In: Douglasville, GA
Spouse/Partner: Paul
Occupation: Director of Preschool Ministries
Children: Blessed with 5 wonderful children.
Yes! Attending Reunion
My furry, feathered or scaly kids (pets):

1 dog, 1 cat, 2 mice, and a fish


In my second marriage. Married to the man of my dreams. We have five beautiful children 2 of which have graduated Highschool. Our son is in the Marines.

School Story:

I was the girl who didn't like to hang out at the mall. I hate to shop!!! I was the only girl in my PE class for the last 3 years of school. I was very athletic, had many friends, but was too shy to really put myself out there.

Favorite School Memories:

Hanging out at Rita's house with Rita, Renae, and Wendy swimming and watching Footloose. Surely you all remember that movie.

Least Favorite School Memories:

Being as shy as I was. I now know it handicapped me in a way. I am very outgoing now and like myself better that way!

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?

Nothing! Everything that has happened in my life has lead me to where I am now! I have never been happier, I am extremely blessed, and thankful for it.

What did you do the first summer out of highschool?

Finished my pregnancy and had my first born (Brittany) in September. Yes! I was 6 months pregnant when we graduated.

What did you do the first years after highschool?

Moved to Tennessee with my first husband and Brittany. He was in the Army.

What are your hobbies and activities now?

With 5 kids I don't have time for hobbies, but I enjoy the heck out of the time I get to spend with them.

Interests and/or what I do in life:

I am Director of Preschool Ministries at Crossroads Church in Douglasville. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY JOB!!!!!!

Where have you traveled?

Chicago and Texas, not much travel!

Favorite place to go:

The beach on family vacations! So much fun!

New places you want to visit in the future:

The Grand Canyon. I would also like to go to Egypt and Isreal and experience places Jesus walked while here on earth.

Favorite sports:

I played softball for 13-14 years, but now I just like to watch my kids play their sports!

Favorite movies:

Chic flics and comedy! Nothing scary and with any gore!

Favorite tv shows:

Lost, Grey's Anatomy, 24, House, Prison Break
Tooo much TV

Favorite music:

I listen to mostly worship music, but I do listen to some country. I know a music geek!

Favorite restaurants:

If it has food, I like it!

What did you always want to do that you haven’t done yet?

Fly in a helicopter.

Plans for the future:

To go where God leads me!

What would we be surprised to know about you?

Other than having 5 kids! I have survived 2 brushes with death since I graduated and am still here to talk about them.

Any words of wisdom?

Cherish everyday! Love deeper, speak kinder, if you don't have the time for the ones you love, make the time, tomorrow is never promised!
You will never know God is all you need until God is all you have. Thank Him everyday for the blessings in your life.