Gary Anglin

Residing In Dubuque, IA USA
Military Service Army  

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John Myers has left an In Memory comment for Gary Anglin.
May 22, 2022 at 10:47 AM

I consider Gary to have been a man among men.  He would help anyone in need, and his devotion to God and country is what gave him what I refer to as SAVING GRACE.  He knew how to spread that grace where it was needed, and he always did what was necessary, continually wearing a comforting smile on his face.  Very few men have the traits he had to accomplish great things, and I admired him greatly.  He always greeted me with a big hello at St. Columkille Sunday mass, and I miss that now.  Rest In Peace, my friend!!! 

Gary Anglin has been added to In Memory.
Apr 19, 2020 at 12:33 PM
