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In Memory

Mervyn Gans

Mervyn Gans

This was sent to me (and maybe others) yesterday by Mervyn's wife Allison:

Good Afternoon

Sadly I must advise my husband Mervyn Gans passed away on 16 December 2021 after a long battle against pancreatic cancer. He leaves a huge gap in many lives especially me as his wife, son Warren , daughter Louise and granddaughter Abigail.


Allison Gans

Our thoughts and prayers are with them as they grieve.

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07/04/22 02:24 PM #1    

Clyde Bartel

I was very sad to learn of the passing of my friend Mervyn Gans, with whom I had the privilege of sharing many classes during our high school careers. Gilly had a wonderfully cheerful disposition and a keen scientific curiosity. I recall how he would perform his own chemistry and physics experiments as a pastime, sometimes using himself as his own guinea pig! Although I lost touch with Gilly after my move to the US, I have no doubt that he led a successful life and will be much missed by his family and friends, to whom I send my heartfelt condolences.


08/04/22 05:46 PM #2    

Jeffrey Kramer

Mervyn Gans - affectionately known to me as Gilly Gans - was one of my closest friends from our early days at prep school all the way to his untimely death. 

We shared so many interests and activities that it is hard to list them all: from music to crawfishing and diving, from playing bridge to playing squash, from electronics to skiing. `We made our own surfboards (well, bellyboards really) together, went to late night jazz together and to movies together, usually followed by a chicken mayonnaise sandwich and double thick malted shake at the Tropicale. Despite living in different countries in our later lives, we still stayed in close touch and  went skiing when he was in Europe and to the Drakensberg when I was in SA. Professionally he was an outstanding engineer. 
Gilly was a warm, intelligent, reliable and lovely person, whose even temper was remarkable. In all the years of our friendship, I never once saw him lose his temper! 
I shall miss him terribly.

09/04/22 11:42 AM #3    

Larry Butchins

I was terribly upset ot learn of Mervyn's passing - Yes Jeff, "Gilly" Gans as he was known to all of us at Prep and DHS. I was in contact with Mervyn again in recent years when he introduced me to Francesco Ciaghi, who had cycled solo from Cape Town to Italy via Israel.  Frncesco was particularly fond of Mervyn and admired him as a cycliing enthusiast with grit and tenancity in the face of his illness. I remember Mervyn as quiet, almost retiring in his manner, very gentle, pensive. Although we had not seen each other (except via Facebook) for more than 40 years, I remembered him and his sister Sharon, fondly from school days.

Sending love and healing thoughts to the family.

Larry Butchins


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