In Memory


Harry Lawrence Hansen, Oct. 21, 1947 - May 16, 2018.

His Wings are On; His Wheels are Gone! Free at Last; Thank God-He's Free at Last. Harry Larry (as many called him) was born an 'ordinary' man to a large, loving family in Bellflower, California. He and his sister, Kristina (4 years younger), were the second part of their family-Ardelle was 20 years older, Bill was 18 years older, and Vic was 12 years older. He graduated from Edmonds High and married his high school sweetheart, Karen Johnson. Harry was in the Navy and served two tours in Vietnam. Karen and he had two sons, John and Christopher. Harry always said he had three sons-nephew, Jim, was #3. Harry and Karen later divorced but remained friends through life. Harry was back from Vietnam two weeks before he began his 28-year career with GTE. He was a central office installer and later a COE engineer. His career earned him a lifelong family of friends there. In December of 1979, Harry and LuAnn Reeve married. GTE was her family also. They bought their dream property in Twisp, WA, in 1980 and spent the next 16 years there camping, playing, relaxing, and building their cabin on weekends with the help of family and friends. Harry took the advice of some elders in his office, invested in his retirement, and was able to retire at 48 years of age. They moved to Twisp in 1996 and spent five glorious, fun-filled years. On October 8, 2001, Harry had a tragic fall in their kitchen dancing with his wife that resulted in him becoming a quadriplegic. It changed the course of their lives in an instant. This was the beginning of Harry becoming our Superman! He triumphed over so much that it allowed him to live at home. The unwavering love of our large support system of family and friends, AND the incredible staff at the Spinal Cord Injury unit of the Seattle VA, made our new road possible to navigate and carry on. Harry simply amazed all who knew him with his kind, loving, gentle spirit that dealt with a fate such as this with grace and his sense of humor intact! Harry is pre-deceased by all in his immediate family (six, including his loving sister, Kristina, who helped care for him and passed March 2017). He is survived by his devoted, loving wife, LuAnn; sons, John and Christopher (Kindra), and grand-daughters, Elliott, Charlie, and Tyler. He is also survived by a large, incredibly loving family of nieces, nephews, and others too numerous to list. Harry was our Superman. For the help of all of you who made this journey possible-Thank You! His wings are on. His wheels are gone! Free at last. Thank God. He's free at last! June 2, 2018, 2 p.m., PWFH. June 9, 10:30 a.m. Beaver Creek Cemetery, Twisp, WA.

Click here to see Harry's last Profile entry.
