In Memory

Ofelia Urista (Lopez)

Ofelia Urista (Lopez)

Our dear friend, Ofelia Urista Lopez, passed away yesterday. Many of you knew her as a fellow Class of 70 classmate and friend. The link included allows you to write a message, include memories, send flowers as well as other options.  She will be dearly missed.

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08/07/19 04:08 PM #1    

Sarah John

Ofelia and I have the same birthday, and so we called each other "Gemela."  I was so happy to have reconnected with her over the past five years.  She was a sweet and generous soul.  She will be greatly missed by all who were blessed to have known her.  Until I see you again, Gemelita, te mando un abrazo muy fuerte.  Te quiero mucho.

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