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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
1 lives in California
8 live in Florida
1 lives in Maryland
39 live in New Jersey
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
2 live in South Carolina
8 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!



Hello Alumni,

Thanks for joining us!

Hopefully this is will be the first stop for all information regarding our class.

Remember this is a work in progress, so explore the site, take the surveys or leave a message on the boards but most of all check back often for latest news and updates.

Hope to see you soon!

The Reunion Committee



The Class of '91 is now on Facebook.
Click the link below the Facebook logo to find us!!

St. Mary of the Assumption (Eliz., NJ) - Class of 1991


Hello Everyone,

First and foremost, thank you for taking a moment to join our website. This was the first step necessary in reconnecting after so many years. Unfortunately at this time, we cannot continue to make any plans for a that Reunion in 2011 because not enough classmates have shown interest.

We took the initial steps of putting out a survey to get everyone's opinion about locations, type of event and even the best date for everyone but sadly only 15% of the registered class participated.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to take any further actions for this reunion. In order to secure a venue and plan events we need to see at least a 50% of the alumni are willing to attend the reunion.

Believe us, even something as simple as a family picnic or simple party requires months of planning and some venues require deposits as early as a 6 months to a year in advance. Sadly, these deposits are non-refundable, hence, the committee would be"negative" financially before any event took place. And in these times of economic uncertainty, I cannot ask a volunteer committee to risk the deposit solely on interest of 15%.

Please feel free to continue using the "free" features, especially if you know of any missing classmates we need to contact.  For those of you who still keep in touch with old friends, contact each other, see if some are "on the fence" about a reunion and try to generate some nostalgia. We will be happy to work with the class to "make" something happen (even a reunion in the gym) if enough alumni show enthusiasm and are willing to commit financially to a reunion.

Should any new updates or changes occur, we will post them here and on facebook immediately.

The Reunion Committee