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Justice - Stuart High School Alumni
Classes of 1961 - 2018
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Justice - Stuart High School Alumni
Classes of 1961 - 2018
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Justice - Stuart High School Alumni
Classes of 1961 - 2018
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Last Updated
Newest Members
Bruce Alexander
Barry Allen
Mary Allen
Terry Allen
Michael Allender
Susan Allender
Roger Amato
Thomas Anderson
Trania Aquino
Walter Armstrong
Philip Ashley
John Astholz
George Axford Jr
Georgie Bailey
Derrel Baker
Stuart Ball
Kathryn Ballou
Robert Banks Jr
Dale Barrick
Peter Bazylewicz
James Becker
Cynthia Bell
Patricia Bell (Smith)
Barbara Benedict
Richard Besse
Robert Bingham
John Blackwell
William Blair
Patricia Bogen
Dorothy Bonnet
Elaine Borel
Robert Bostrom
Edward Brawand Jr
Joan Brickley
Bette Bridges
Rebecca Brooks
Beverly Browder
Joan Brown
Robbins Brown
John Bryan III
Barbara Butler
Elizabeth Carman
Mary Carman
Diana Carter
Cynthia Casey
Carolyn Celmer
Wayne Chadwick
Curtis Chadwick III
Connie Chapman
Joan Chernock
James Christensen
John Christensen
Barbara Citrano
Sandra Clements
Louise Clifton
Carolyn Coffman
James Coleman
Russell Cook
Carol Cooper
George Cox
Virginia Cresap
Barbara Davenport
James Legrand Ddyar
Everett Devilbiss
Logon Donnel
Judith Duda
Suzanne Duda
Virginia Dudley
Linda Dunn
Edwin Edmundson
Judith Ellis
Maurine Engle
Karen English
Willard (Rand) Fazar
David Fitch
Helen Flesner
Elizabeth Fletcher
Susan Flynt
Barbara Fortune
Kim Fraleigh
Jill Francis
Carolee Frankel
Theresa Frey
Robert Friedman
Mary Fry
Sandra Fulghum
Jean Furbee
Stanley Gaines
Anne Gartell
James Gastmann
Billy Gates
Pelton George
Carol Gilbert
Karin Gleiter
Howard Goheen
Marc Goldberg
Michael Golden
Michael Golla
Gloria Gonzales
Catherine Gore
Harold Grant
Robert Green
Pamela Griffith
John Grim
Emma Grissom
Judith Gruver
Troy Guillory
Feliciana Gustin
Mayo Hadden
Judith Hall
George Hamilton
Diane Haney
Mary Haney
Cheryl Hannon
Georgia Hansbrough
Jill Hardy
Carol Harkleroad
Joan Harkness
Danna Harris
Charles Hawkins
Nancy Heath
Barbara Henshaw
Jeffrey Henshaw
Nancy Herrman
Jacquelyn Hildreth
Pandra Hoebeke
Charles Hoggard
Charles Hoiberg
Ronald Holbrook
Richard Hooe
Barbara Hook
Bille Hougart
Bergen Hovell
Carol Howard
Joseph Howard
Carol Huber (Rodgers)
Elizabeth Hudgins
Sarah Hudson
Larry Hughes
Thomas Hughes
Linda Hultin
Susan Hyde
Alvin Jaeger
Robert Jellum
Virginia Job (Santucci)
Frank Johns
John Johnson
Leland Johnson
Marshall Jones
Susan Jones
Sherrill Kale
Jay Katon
Joan Kelch
Michael Kelly
Jane Kennedy
Richard Kerns
Michael Kipp
William Kirkland
Lynette Knight
Ralph Koger
Richard Korink
Charles Koyiades
Ed Kreml
Ronald Lamb
Donald Land
Joseph Langston
Marsha Langston
Carol Latshaw
Bozie Laurenson
Joanne Leckert (Macleay)
Thomas Leewe
Linda Lenfest
Philip Lester
Elizabeth Little
Albert Lohr
Lynette Lott
Patricia Low
Lucinda Lundberg
Marianne Lyman
Hugh Lyon
Donald Mace
Sherry MacKenzie
Carl Mandis
Clifford Mann
Susan Manning
John Marlow
David Martin
Lee Martin
Carol Masker
Raymond Matthaei
Larry Matthews
Jack McClure
Margaret McCreath
Larenia McFillen
Patricia McGovern
Kenneth McGuire
Patricia McKinley
Arthur McKinney
Marion McMillan (Prosser)
Diane McMillion
Kenneth McQuinn
Elizabeth Mehalko
Ann Mehler
Guest Member
Kenneth Menks
Jacquelyn Meyer
Rawle Meyer
Sandra Michelson
Francis Mickle
Elizabeth Miller
Pary Miller
Raymond Miller
Robert Miller
Susan Molthrop
John Monaco
Robert Moore
Sandra Moore (Giglio)
Sarah Naudain
Jacqueline Neel
Elizabeth Newcomer
Brenda Nicley
Diane Nigg
Louis Nirenberg
James Norell
Anna Oberg
William O'Connor
Diane O'Gara
Michael Oldham
Pamela Oliver
Reed Oliver
Bernard O'Rourke
Beverly Otto
Carolyn Ousey
Judith Over
Thomas Owen
Jerry Parker
Anne Parmelee
Gaylord Parrett
Carolyn Parsons
Joyce Pendergrass
Marion Penman
Ralph Pensoneau
Pamela Perkins
Nicholas Pettit
Mach Pitts
Kathleen Porterfield
Alumni President
Jane Price
Paul Pugh
Gary Rankin
Juanita Ray
Angus Reed
Margaret Rice
Patricia Ricketts
Louis III Rigoulot
Sandra Risher
Gloria Risser
David Rittenhouse
Susan Roberts
Janet Robey
Robert Robyak
Michael Roche
Marcia Rogers
David Russell
John Rust
Meda Rynex
Dean Schnitz
Marian Schrader (O'Connell)
Robin Seabolt
Carole Seeds
Warren Sharp
Mercedes Sherrard
Ronald Shreve
Howard Silberstein
John Silliman
Ronald Simpson
Marguerite Sithens
Bruce Smith
Phoebe Smoot
Patricia Snably (Begonia)
John Sperry
Margaret (Peg) Spicer (Hutson)
Robert Stafford
Judith Stanton
Sherry Stephenson
Danielle Storms
Stuart Stratton
James Strayer
Elaine Strickland
John Stroebele
Nancy Stuart
Stephen Swaney (Stephen Swaney)
Judith Swartz
Sandra Sweeney
Pamela Symmes
Frances Tartasky
Leslie Thomas (Gerhardt)
Helen Thompson
Merlin Thompson
Michael Tyler
David Upton (Upton)
Howard Walters
Ronald Warren
James Warrick
John Wattle
William Wehner
Helen Weinberger (Gore)
David Weston
Kathleen Whitfield
Mary Whittington
Marsha Wilhelm
John Wilkins
Celia Williams
Ed Witaschek
Gary Wood
Alfred Woody
Nancy Yeager
John Yoder
Lenferd Zerkel
Carroll Zimmerman
Robert Zimmerman
Elssa Zipp
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