In Memory

Raymond C. Lincoln (Lincoln)

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12/24/14 01:15 AM #1    

Linda Lambert (Holden)

He was a great friend!  A fellow trouble maker.

12/24/14 02:18 PM #2    

Robert H. Waldruff (Waldruff)

Ray was the "business manager" of our band, The Continentals (Me, Terry Weiss, and Louis Yaseen) - booked us alot of gigs!   Bob Waldruff

12/24/14 04:53 PM #3    

Robert S. Schwenger (Schwenger)

Wished he was still around

12/28/14 05:13 PM #4    

Laurie Sundstrom (Rentschler)

Ray told me once he was a direct descendant of Abe Lincoln.  He may have been spoofing, but I sure believed it to be true:  saw a resemblance even without the stovepipe hat! I think he was our frosh class president at Bloom, too: used the hat as a prop and it put him over the top!  Goodbye, Ray, you'll be missed. 

12/29/14 04:13 PM #5    

Terry Weiss (Weiss)

Ray was a great guy, a lot of fun to be with.  Waldy has a different recollection than I do.  He was our band's manager but I don't remember we had that many gigs.  Sure had a great time though.



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