In Memory


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06/09/10 03:02 PM #1    

Jacqueline Brown

 Sue was my friend, she was kind and sweet. She was soft spoken until something was so funny that when she laughed it was like this big thunder came out and we were sitting in a circle and she busted it up. An impression she left on me was how nice and neet and she always kept herself, she took pride in her appearance, her work, and the way she even valued her friendships. Sue was a great friend to have because you knew you could trust her when you told her something that you needed to get off your shoulders. She was a great listener and a keeper of your private word. I loved being in the company of Sue and our little "group" of friends that would get together. That was a time in my life when it just all seemed to be perfect to have Sue there, and I can only hope I was just as good a friend to her. May you be blessed Sue and may you still be by my side when I wish for a true friend to speak to

Love, Jackie

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