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•   Kent Doerffler  9/19
•   Lisa Blocher (Darmawan)  9/21
•   John Schult (Schult)  9/22
•   Terry Ellis (Ellis)  9/25
•   Matt Piekarski  10/6


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•   Mike Davison  9/19
•   Terry Ellis (Ellis)  8/28
•   Mark Noll  8/6
•   Holly Uhlig (Enustun)  7/9
•   Erik Preus (Preus)  7/8
•   Julie Hitzeman (Ramey)  7/8
•   Veronica Poindexter  7/7
•   Patricia Fritz (Simpson)  6/20
•   Todd Hollman  6/19
•   Laura Pifer (Loe)  6/18
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2 live in Alabama
2 live in Arizona
6 live in California
2 live in Colorado
4 live in Florida
4 live in Georgia
5 live in Illinois
87 live in Indiana
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Massachusetts
3 live in Michigan
3 live in Minnesota
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in Nebraska
4 live in North Carolina
11 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oregon
2 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Utah
1 lives in Washington
4 live in Wisconsin
12 location unknown


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Concordia Lutheran High School
Class Of 1983

Welcome to the Concordia Lutheran High Class Of 1983 web site.  We hope this will be a great way to reconnect with classmates from long ago.



We have set a date for our 40th Class Reunion!

When:  Saturday, September 23,2023 from 6-10pm

Where:  Suite Level Lounge at Parkview Field

Cost: $50 per person (See below for what is included)

****See Event Page for Payment Methods (40th Reunion on the Left)

This is Homecoming Weekend. Plan to attend the football game on Friday. More details on the weekend to follow.

                          6:30pm – 8:30pm


Off the Grill 

Cheeseburger sliders, pulled pork sliders with pickle chips, buns and condiments

 fruit bowl and vegetable tray with red pepper hummus and ranch dip


Fiesta Nacho Bar

Chips & tortillas, ground beef, shredded cheese, lettuce, tomato, jalapenos, salsa, sour cream


Fried Favorite

Chicken Tenders (with ranch and ketchup) , macaroni and cheese, house chips


Dessert                        Fresh Baked Cookies


Late Night       Popcorn Bowl

                                         6:00pm – 9:45pm

            Host Bar

                        Draft Beer

Bud Light, Miller Lite, Coors Light


Red, White, Sweet

Pepsi Products


Cash Bar                                                                                            paid per individual

            Fully stocked bar

with packaged beer and liquor


Time Line

            6:00pm                        Reunion begins / Bar Open / Food available

            6:30p – 8:30pm           Food available

            8 – 10pm                     Dessert available

            9:30pm                        Last Call at the Bar

            9:45pm                        Bar Closes

            10:00pm                      Event Concludes      

Parking and Entrance                                                                                    

            TinCaps ‘Silver’ Parking Lot – free parking lot on the corner of Brackenridge and Ewing St.           Enter main ballpark gates and take the elevator or stairs to the 2nd floor.

