In Memory

John Garland

John Garland

John died 5-9-23 from a two year battle with cancer.  Here is the obituary link.

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05/10/23 10:56 AM #1    

Donna Forester (Fisher Boccieri)

very saddened by this news.  a nice guy indeed

05/10/23 11:16 AM #2    

Rob Wall

I hate hearing this, such a good guy both on or off the playing field and he had such an easy smile. Prayers for his family🙏

05/10/23 12:34 PM #3    

Bob Spencer

I had the very good fortune to share some quality time over the years with Jophn on our motorcycles. 

We were on a week long trip some years ago and had a chance to really catch up. Great time together.

What a good and Godly man.

We pray now for his family. 

Bob Spencer

05/10/23 01:47 PM #4    

Baxter Knowles

Was shocked to hear about this

I use to play neighborhood football with John on the 1st tee at rivercrest.

Rode our bikes to stripling

Never could keep up with him he was so fast

Was hoping he would have made our 50th renion

05/10/23 09:24 PM #5    

Brad Smith

So saddened by this news.  Such agreat guy and classmate.

05/10/23 09:24 PM #6    

Brad Smith

So saddened by this news.  Such agreat guy and classmate.

05/11/23 10:54 AM #7    

Christopher Lee Stewart

John was a great man of faith and fought his battle well. Dale Uberman and I had the privilege of going to lunch with him thru his struggle every several months.  He will be missed, but is now resting from the cancer battle.

05/12/23 08:43 AM #8    

John Wilmoth

John was a great guy, so sorry to hear this news. 

05/14/23 07:53 PM #9    

Bo Walker

John Garland was a true gentleman. I had not seen him since 1973 and ran into him after the 40th reunion. He was so kind to spend few minutes to chat like we were life long friends.

God bless his family who will miss him deeply.


05/17/23 10:32 AM #10    

Mike Coleman

John and I and Brent Armstrong hung out together on graduation night. John was such a good guys! I knew his parents from church and they would keep me posted about John over the years. Didn't know about about the cancer though. Hated to miss the funeral but we were out of the country. 



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