In Memory

Fred Burckhardt

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04/09/15 12:00 AM #1    

Ramona Rosberg (Fuller)

I still miss Fred so much. He was one of my original friends when I came to AHHS my sophomore year. No one had a sense of humor like Fred, plus he was so intelligent and witty.

Every year at Christmas my grandmother came from North Carolina to stay with us for a month or so. Fred would come visit her each time without fail. Who else would do that? And she just adored Fred - she wanted us to get married. ;)

The night of our Senior Prom, I was out in my driveway, hitting tennis balls against the garage door. Just then Fred drove up. He saw that I was upset and asked what was wrong. I told him that I was sad because no one had asked me to prom. He said, "Well, I would have been happy to take you if I had known you wanted to go." Of course he didn't understand that I wanted to go with a guy in our class that I had a useless crush on - or maybe he did. The point is that he would have done that for me - just so I could have gone to prom.

The last time I saw Fred in person was when my son was a baby. We came to visit my parents and Fred came over to see us. I will treasure that memory forever, seeing Fred hold my infant son. We corresponded sporadically in the years to come until I lost touch with him. I was at work when I got the phone call that he had passed away. I dropped the phone in shock, not knowing that he had been ill for some time.

To Fred - my dear friend. I hope to see you again some day.


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