Jeremy Donaldson

Profile Updated: April 17, 2009
Residing In: Corvallis, OR USA
Spouse/Partner: Kathy Helvey Donaldson
Occupation: Engineer
Children: Cassidy, 10 - my little rocker. She's playing guitar and loves (get this..) Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, More…Ozzy, etc...

Jack, 6 - this is my mom's curse. He's just like me. Oh. My. God. Great guy, but sometimes..... :)
Yes! Attending Reunion

After undergrad at UC Santa Barbara, played music for a few years in my band - Los Guys. We toured all over the southwest, mostly colleges, sold a few thousand CDs.

Kathy and I moved to Oregon in 94, I got my MS in Environmental Engineering, which I don't use, and hired on to Hewlett Packard. I do R&D for inkjet stuff. It's been fun.

Family is the most important thing. Then music. Then friends. It's nice to combine all of those.

School Story:

Left for my senior year, but missed Colorado pretty seriously. Although the football coaches at my new school in Virginia just called me "colorado" during practice, and most folks thought that was my last name - so people pretty much called me "Colorado" for my senior year, which was pretty cool.

Funny memories? Oh, jeez... most of them involve some epic parties, cruising Nevada, crashing my dad's car up on the mesa, and just some really nice folks. Good times.

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Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:01 AM