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In Memory

Scott Napp

Scott Napp

From Katie: Scott passed away peacefully Sunday, January 15, 2023 from dementia vascular disease.  He was suffering for a long time and is finally at peace. 

The funeral was held on January 28th at St. Catherine's Church, 2062 North State Highway 89, Chino Valley, AZ 86323, (928) 636-4071.  Rosary at 11:00 AM, funeral mass at 11:30 AM.


Joe Valenti, Rick Hatfield, Gerry Hoyme, Mike Lucia, Fred Pascoe, Jack Upton '75, Larry Parish


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01/18/23 02:08 PM #1    

Michael Lucia

Scott was such a special man.  Truly a scholar-athlete, a fierce competitor, and a brother.  A varsity lineman for three years at Fountain Valley, he played offense and defense.  He loved to hit and he loved to hug.  We collaborated and competed in physics (Mr. Weaver) and math analysis (Mr. Stewart).  Scott never let up and he never let anyone down.  His football career took its toll on his body, but he still achieved a PhD in Chemical Engineering. His enthusiasm for life was unmatched.  As soon as we reconnected in 2020 he immediately started researching and contacting classmates to register with the website.  He single-handedly organized a mini-reunion in Carlsbad. Fair winds and following seas my friend.


01/19/23 08:17 AM #2    

Cary Staggs

Farewell old friend.

01/20/23 06:55 AM #3    

Dave Kilpatrick

RIP Scott!I'm glad that we reconnected a few years back and appreciated our phone conversations. You were a proud Baron who represented all of us well and will be missed. Your memory will live on forever my friend! 

01/20/23 11:35 AM #4    

Gerry Hoyme

We were friends since 14.  I was Best Man at his wedding. We stayed friends for life.  I will miss his quirky, high intellect, sense of humor. 

Many favorite stories which I will not post here, but mostly remember my mother yelling at him to stay out of our refridgerator without permission!

Farewell, and remember, there is reunion in and through Christ!

Gerry Hoyme

01/20/23 12:20 PM #5    

Lucky Jonker

RIP, Scott. Wish I got to know you better in HS, but enjoyed getting to know you later... and it's never too late. So glad to see you in SD, but seeing how much pain you were in makes me happy for you... to be in eternal peace. I'll see you on the other side!

~ Lucky

01/23/23 08:20 PM #6    

Rick Hatfield

 Nice words for a nice man by all who posted above. I am glad Napper reconnected with so many of us down the final stretch. Our  last chat was dominated by us each bragging about our son(s).  We concurred that fatherhood was everything. Typing this I recalled that our dads would sit together at our football games. Neither of them were at all talkative,but each of them oozed a quiet toughness. My mom once told me that nobody dared talk crap about the team or coaches because of their menacing glare. We were lucky to have dads like that. Not the menacing part-but the expectation of civilty.                                          

 In the first weeks of 9th grade I would walk to school with Scott, my neighbor. Nobody hassled us!  I would try to engage him in talk about all the amazing girls at Baron Manor and he would respond with his latest weight lifting numbers or about his joy in trap blocking and the noises his umm victims made. That is the only not nice (uncivil..?) thing I ever heard him say.



01/24/23 01:42 PM #7    

Leah Ruggles (Sandberg)

I don't recall how Scott and I met in school or how and when we reconnected in the late 80's however, I'll always remember him. Undoubtedly a big guy Scott, also possessed a brilliant mind a quiet demeanor and was a kind and gentle man. I remember Scott, after a divorce, bathing his youngest boy (at the time) operating like a quiet mother hen, covering all bases to care for his child. One time we thru it all to the wind and went to Pizza Hut with his children and my two. Scott was still a college student and myself, a single mother, both of us tight on money. We ordered the largest pizza, sat outside on the patio and smuggled in the drinks, a 6-pack of Coke. We all had a good time. Fond memories.

Good night Scott, sweet dreams. We'll meet again.

02/09/23 09:20 AM #8    

Renee Staggs (Barnes)

I am so sorry to read about Scott's passing.
Scott and I have been in contact a year ago and it is a real shock.
Scott was a wonderful human being.
I remember Scott in High School as so kind funny
And very kind hearted❤️.
Scott you will always be in my prayers and heart.

04/07/23 12:48 PM #9    

Teresa Fritzler

Scott invited me to join his mini reunion the summer of 2021. We collaborated on the poster for the event. It was fun getting to know the energetic and strong person he was. I'm sorry he had to leave and I'm grateful to spend time with him. We will all see you again


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