In Memory

Kevin Hall - Class Of 1973

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01/27/10 11:37 PM #1    

Steven Bowman (1973)

Kevin was one of my closest friends. He passed away before his 29th birthday from the side effects of chemotherapy, leaving behind a wife and a baby boy. He and I used to have such a great time together in high school. I was always broke, but had a car. His parents wouldn't let him have the car, but he always had gas money, so we had a perfectly symbiotic relationship!

Even in later years it seemed that we could go a long time (too long) without communicating, but then we'd pick up right where we left off.

I didn't have a brother, but Kevin sure did come close. I still think about him often and really miss him.
--sb 1/27/10

04/27/10 10:53 PM #2    

Connie Lankford (Chase) (1972)

I echo Steve's remark: I still think of Kevin often. He was a great friend and genuinely good person.

Connie Lankford Chase

08/04/10 02:52 PM #3    

Stewart Dendtler (1973)

Kevin was one of my best friends.  My fondest memories of him were from the seemingly endless hours we spent playing golf at CCCC along with Tom Clark and others.  It was nothing for us to play 36 (sometimes 54) holes in a single day walking and carrying our own bags.  Now, 18 holes in a cart wears me out!  Kevin was a natural at golf.  He started playing before I did, and playing with him pushed me to get better every time we played.  On my best days, I could keep up with him but he could often kick it into another gear that was beyond my capabilities.  Kevin was a kind person, always more concerned with others than with himself.  As with most of us following graduation, we drifted in different directions.  I regret that his life ended far too early, but I will always cherish the good times we had in high school, both on and off the golf course.


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